Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:57 AM
From: Herman Strom
To: Department of Justice
It's a typical liberal elitist comment. Usually people who have problem with something accuse others of that problem. Liberals are the only people who talk about "race relations" in America. The rest of us do not really care about such a non-issue. Like during the last presidential election I was accused by of being a racist because I was not voting for Barack Obama. I asked the person who accuser what was their reason for voting for Barack Obama. And after quick inquiry I learned my accuser was voting on the basis of race while my reasons for voting against Barack Obama did not include race at all.
Well, I am a Caucasian guy originally from Russia. I was racially discriminated against because I was a minority. I am a Hebrew. I have distinctively different features from a typical Russian. On the weekends I go to church, Greater Grace World Outreach. I go to an outreach on Saturday and talk to people of all races and two services on Sunday. Some of my best friends have brown-skinned, so called African-Americans. My church has been called by Baltimore City Officials, the most desegregated church in the City of Baltimore.
Mr. Holder should at least apologize to the American People for his racist statements. And if he does not, I think Mr. President should urge him to resign.
Thank you,
Herman Strom