On October 6, 2004, the ISG (Iraqi survey group) release another report. It’s been called the Duelfer report named after Charles Duelfer the head of the ISG. In spite of partisan American news media’s reporting the fact that the weapons of mass murder were not found in Iraq. Since we already knew it from David Kay or first ISG report, it was not news. This latest thousand page report contained detailed evidence pointing to France, Germany, Russia and China receiving future oil contracts or oil vouchers from Saddam’s regime in exchange for voting the UN security council to prevent military action against Iraq and eventual removing of sanctions which would lead to Saddam’s reconstitution of WMD programs including nuclear program. The report also detailed the UN corruption in the Iraqi oil-for-food program. How Saddam was able to skim billions of dollars and divert it from helping his people to buying weapons and supplies for the military, bribes and his lavished lifestyle.