I think people naturally progress in their life from not believing in God to believing in God not the other way around. It is a natural progression of human maturity. I used to be a relativist once. It almost seems like a long time ago. And I don not miss those days. I had no anchor in my life. I was confused, everything kind of flouted around. I pity relativists. They are so confused.
Simplicity is a friend of genius. Nuance is friend of proud fools who think they know everything. Objectivity is based in facts outside of one's personal emotional reality. All that relativists have is a humanistic dogma. All they can do is to scream, shout, and call people names. Unfortunately the Left in this country doesn’t know how to debate their ideology in a civilized and dignified manner. I am absolutely amused by their reactionary and immature behavior. I enjoy, getting under their skin.
The Left thinks that the "religious right" wants to take "woman's right to choose." No, that's not what we want at all. That's a subjective lie; they have been sold about us so that they can hate us. I have talked to countless numbers of women whose lives were wrecked by this type of philosophy. And it's not that the women who abort their babies will go to hell. People don't go to hell for what they do. That's another lie the left has been sold. People go to hell for what they reject. And what they reject is CHRIST'S PAYMENT FOR THEIR SINS. God's first institution given to man was FREE VOLITION. He gave us a right to be wrong. It is BY GOD that we have this right. Is that wonderful? Unfortunately for all of us, the time comes that all of us must die. And although some of us don't believe it, the fact doesn't change that one day when our bodies drop dead, our souls: mind, volition, emotions, etc. will stand before GOD. And then we will be made accountable for rejecting the payment for our sins. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a world famous French Mathematician. Pascal developed many arguments in favor of the existence of God. Therefore he proposed what has come to be known as Pascal's Wager. This is a common sense analysis of the benefits and consequences of belief or unbelief in the existence of GOD. "When it comes to God's existence, there are two possibilities: either God exists or God does not exist. In terms of our response, there are also two possibilities: either we believe in God or we don't. If God does not exist, and we wager that he does (by believing), then we lose nothing, since, presumably, there is no afterlife or eternal reward or punishment for belief or unbelief. If God does exist, however, and offers us the free gift of eternal life, and we wager that he does not (by unbelief), then we risk losing everything by spending eternity separated from God. If God does exist, and we wager that he does, then we potentially gain eternal life and happiness." In my opinion, it is a powerful argument, and I am for once absolutely convinced that GOD exists and He made the world and everything in it. Anyone who believes in evolution must have enormous faith to believe that over millions of years non-organic chemicals formed organic molecules. Which became amino acids and DNA, forming into cells which over time become more complex forming such precise organs like an eye, ear, reproductive organs, etc. Every organ in our body is infinitely complex. Imagine a brain evolving. Anyone believing it must be a faith giant compare to me. It is beyond blind faith, bordering brain-washed. Human brain is infinitely more sophisticated than the most advanced computer that a human has devised so far. And about organic matter evolving, when something dies, it very quickly turns into very basic organic and even non-organic matter. Now can anyone explain to me how something dead can make itself alive when the forces of death are so much greater? When I read about the perfect order of the universe from microscopic to infinitely humongous when I look into these things how every little thing vibrates in perfect harmony, I cannot imagine how someone can be so blind not to see the hand of GOD. But I understand to avoid accountability to his Maker; a man will believe almost anything however absurd.
Now I have read and heard countless times of the values of the Left which dove-tails quite well with communist
We, conservatives, see people as individuals, capable not only of making money and taking care of themselves far better than any social program can give them if only they have a chance. If only the government were to back off. As much as the Left hates this country, we are the freest, and as the result of this freedom, wealthiest, most prosperous country in the world. Being only 5% of the world's population, we produce 62% of the world's wealth. And of course the Left wants to bring
Now think of that great potential of an individual to liberate or to oppress, to murder the innocent or to give their own lives liberate others, to inspire, to create, to invent, to save lives. The greatest value of our country is idealism. it was passed down to us from the days of our founding. Idealism is the ability look far ahead into the future and inspire the people to greatness, to create something great with future generations in mind. These are the main criteria on the basis of which we, the American people, choose our leaders. Now thinking on these great ideals that define who we are as a nation and how deeply we value the individuality of every human being and realizing that our freedom comes from none other then the Creator himself. These words are in our founding documents: LIFE which is given to us by GOD, LIBERTY which is natural state of human existence and comes from none other but GOD, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS which having the first two things now we can go after. And that is why we treasure life. The abortionists want to take this first and foremost from the most innocent and defenseless among us. And now think of one example. Think as an abortionist for a moment.
How would you advise a mother who is pregnant with her fifth child based on the following facts: Her husband has syphilis? She has tuberculosis. Their first child was born blind. Their second child died. Their third child was born deaf. Their fourth child had tuberculosis. Would you advise the mother for an abortion? Oops! If you said yes, you would have just killed the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven! We cannot know what God has in mind for every individual and the millions of children that have been aborted; only God knows what they could have become. That is how precious life is. And that's why we have an obligation to protect the most defenseless among us.